Why New Kingston Cleaning is the Go-To for Deep Home Cleaning

Why New Kingston Cleaning is the Go-To for Deep Home Cleaning

At New Kingston Cleaning, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional service that goes beyond our clients' expectations. Our recent deep cleaning project for a client's home stands as a testament to our dedication and attention to detail. Join us as we take you through a day in the life of our expert team: Shenell Crosdale, Lisa Ann Lewis, and Rayon Glenford, as they transform a dusty and cluttered house into a sparkling clean sanctuary.

The Task at Hand

The client’s home consisted of:

  • 2 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathrooms
  • Staircase
  • Living room
  • Kitchen
  • Washroom
  • 2 verandahs

Additionally, we were tasked with:

  • Changing and washing curtains and mats
  • Cleaning inside and outside all windows on the ground floor
  • Cleaning inside and outside all appliances
  • Cleaning inside and outside all cupboards and cabinets

Setting the Scene

Upon arrival, the team was greeted by the client, who expressed their concerns about the state of their home. Dust had accumulated in every nook and cranny, the windows were streaked with grime, and the appliances and cupboards needed a thorough cleaning. The client’s priority was to have a home that felt fresh and inviting once again.

The Team's Strategy

Shenell Crosdale, with her keen eye for detail, was assigned to the bedrooms and bathrooms. She began by stripping the beds and collecting the curtains and mats for washing. Shenell meticulously dusted and wiped down all surfaces, ensuring that every corner was spotless. In the bathrooms, she scrubbed tiles, cleaned sinks and toilets, and polished mirrors until they gleamed.

Lisa Ann Lewis took charge of the staircase, living room, and washroom. She started with the staircase, carefully vacuuming and wiping down the banisters. Moving to the living room, Lisa Ann focused on decluttering and organizing, creating a space that was both clean and functional. She also ensured that the washroom was thoroughly cleaned, paying special attention to the tiles and fixtures.

Rayon Glenford, the team’s appliance and cupboard expert, tackled the kitchen and verandahs. He began by cleaning the inside and outside of all the appliances, including the oven, refrigerator, and microwave. Rayon then moved on to the cupboards and cabinets, removing all items, cleaning the interiors, and then organizing everything neatly. On the verandahs, he swept, mopped, and wiped down all surfaces, leaving them spotless.

The Execution

The team worked seamlessly together, each member focusing on their assigned tasks while maintaining clear communication and supporting each other when needed. Shenell, Lisa Ann, and Rayon rotated between tasks such as washing and changing the curtains and mats to ensure efficiency.

The Transformation

After hours of hard work, the team had transformed the home. The bedrooms and bathrooms sparkled, the staircase was pristine, the living room was inviting, the kitchen appliances shone, and the verandahs were immaculate. The client was thrilled with the results, expressing their gratitude for the team's dedication and professionalism.

Customer Satisfaction

The client’s satisfaction was evident in their words: “New Kingston Cleaning has truly exceeded my expectations. My home feels brand new, and I couldn’t be happier. Shenell, Lisa Ann, and Rayon were incredible, and their attention to detail was outstanding. I highly recommend their services!”

At New Kingston Cleaning, our mission is to provide the best cleaning service and home care in Kingston, Jamaica. This deep cleaning project is just one example of how our team goes above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction. If you’re looking for a thorough and reliable cleaning service, look no further. Contact us today and experience the transformation for yourself.